A week on the needles

I've been knitting up a storm with Gaudi V2.0 and I'm pleased with the progress I've made. Now, some of this is down to starting it whilst I was on annual leave from work, but I've been back at work this last week and still put in some solid knitting time most evenings. The result…

Friend or F.O.?

A cheeky little finished object for a mid-week knitting catch-up: the Storm on Jupiter socks are off the needles and in the sock drawer. They are a pleasing combination of colours, bright jewel tones with sea-blues. It was a quick and satisfying project which bridged the gap between two garments very successfully indeed. The yarn…

Does Pamalison knit?

Of course I still knit, so it's time for a knitting catchup. I finally finished the Stars and Stripes cardi for my friend's trip to New York and she had her grand try-on yesterday. She is very pleased with it and I am equally pleased with the finished object, though it did reinforce my feeling…

Nearly November

Time is all askew this year. The summer seemed endless... and not in a good way. I don't think September even existed, August simply went on and on and on. Now October seems to have teleported us straight from summer to winter; one week the only protection I needed all day was a cardigan, the…

The Cinderella project

The pink cardi is so close to being finished but, like Cinderella, it needs its buttons! For once, I have nothing suitable in my button box, so the cardi won't be truly complete until I've taken a trip to town and bought something suitable. I could have done that today, but I craved an at-home…

Nothing new

I think I may have fallen into the trap of thinking I have nothing new and therefore I have nothing to write about here on my blog. After all, you can only post so many pieces of pink knitting (which all look alike to the casual observer) before things start to get a little samey.…